
For more than 10 years, we have been helping nonprofit organizations maximize their support from foundation, corporate, and government funders. Our clients range from large, established institutions to newer grass-roots community organizations, in a variety of disciplines and fields. In every case, our goal is to help your organization build capacity to raise funds successfully, and communicate more effectively with your donors and the general public.

Why Outsource?

Because you can! For most organizations, grantwriting is one of the few functions that can be "lifted out," making it a cost-effective way to increase your organizational capacity while freeing up valuable time for the additional demands of fundraising. We can steward your full annual calendar of proposal submissions and reports or step in temporarily to take that major grantwriting project off your hands. We can help you look beyond your current funding sources and tap into new sources of support. And you reap the benefits of our expertise and proven track record for a fraction of the cost of putting a salaried grantwriter on staff.

We're Mission Based

Which means: We believe in what you do and want you to succeed. We won't waste your time and money. If we don't think you're ready for a particular grant, we'll say so, and identify things you can do to put your organization or project in a better position down the line. We want to be part of meeting your goals and helping you grow. Put us on your team!

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